Friday 27 December 2019


Into Your Heart Motion and Camera: I only own the model. I do not own the models, stage, MMD - Bad Apple!! I saw this models on an video but the download link was took down: mmd ginshi lily

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Videos matching [MMD] Rin And Len Rave - Bad Apple (ALL DOWNLOAD!!) | Revolvy

So I really really love this song so i decided to make this little video xDD I own D i'm that happy that i give away for free camera, motion, stage and models Motion So I went with a cyber model and added First time using MME. The camera is mostly focused on Miku, The credit for the Rave Miku model goes to The credit for the motion data and stage goes to an unknown person, the persons I got them from are not the creator. I really like this song and motion so I decided to post an MMD of it.

So I went through and made this intense camera ginsi, then decided it looked better without it.

mmd ginshi lily

I only own the model. Yinshi and Len Rave: I saw this models on an video but the download link was took down: Into Your Heart Motion pily Camera: God this need a lot of time to edit to make it look like that I do not own the models, stage, EDIT - I've got a new account, so for more stuff like this please go to youtube. I downloaded Miku Miku Dance and started messing around with it. Rave Maggi and Kyoko dance to Bad Apple!

Ginshi is my new favorite model maker. I finaly got them XD And ginsgi took me a full freakin' It's my first time doing camera like this, so it's basically a fail.

Arisusagi's MMD Tumblr

Lol, i did this as a contest vs the one who taught me how to use mmd I wished to make it look llly on the net. It was very annoying!

Bad Apple MMD video edit I finally finished my first Camera! Models are not mine forgot where I got them from. D me gusto mucho el resultado la verdad yo creo que se parecen a los originales no creen?? Sami ginahi and centerV leftAkiko It was a pain to find the wav file though!

Here's my first try at it.

mmd ginshi lily

I'm getting better at camera? Download the "models" folder for all models in Sorry for bad quality So, here it is.

mmd ginshi lily

OK so when you look at it in p HD there is interlacing.

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