Wednesday 18 December 2019


The DFHack command for this is "stonesense overlay". There is also a thread dedicated to screenshots taken using Stonesense. Toggle creature emotion icons. Stonesense alpha is an open source isometric visualizer for Dwarf Fortress, created by jonask and Solifuge. Move up and down Ctrl-Scrollwheel: Saves much time as you can have profiles and apply them to immigrants or easily tweak job preferences instead of scrolling through menus. Related Topics Documentation overview. dwarf fortress stonesense

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Currently only keyboard events are supported; stonesense's mouse events are all hardcoded. The standard function dfhack "stonesense" opens a separate viewer window, which has read-only access to syonesense game.

Stonesense controls?

The above-ground part of the fortress Roadtruss. I load it up by typing stonesense into DFHack. Note that feedback is printed to the DFHack console, and you may need to zoom out before taking very large screenshots.

The most up-to-date and complete list can be found at the Stonesense Github page. Save a volumetric thing I'm testing out. That, and it keeps crashing. There is an official thread for feedback, questions, requests or dwart reports. You can adjust the position of the follow mode relative to the DF window by holding Ctrl while using the keyboard window movement keys.

This utility page is about v0. From Forteess Fortress Wiki. Adjusts stonesenwe mode offset -- Debug Keys -- prolly not useful for you guys D: YOu know, you players that see this as a bad thing: Stonesense's homepage and source code is on Github.

This document specifies the keys and associated actions stonesense can recognize.


Toggle creature emotion icons. Configuration options are documented and can be pre-set in. Please login or register. The September '19 Report is up.

How do I install Stonesense?

Now this is a dream coming true right here! Stonesense alpha is an open source isometric visualizer for Dwarf Fortress, created by jonask and Solifuge.

dwarf fortress stonesense

Thanks, Michael Komalarajunfor the heads-up! A complete listing of valid actions and key dortress can be found at the bottom of this file. This page was last edited on 23 Julyat Like driving an airplane with a Super Nintendo game pad. Rotate view 90 degrees ESC: Read times Tracker Bay Watcher. November 3rd, Now this is a dream coming true right here!

This viewer window has read-only access to the game, and can follow the game view, or be moved independently. The config file may also be edited to add additional keybindings to Stonesense.

dwarf fortress stonesense

All it means is that more people will be playing. Toggle single layer view. Almost losing is sometimes fun. Likewise listing the same key for multiple actions will result in only the last action xtonesense being the one taken when the key is pressed.

Stonesense — Dwarf Fortress Visualizer By:

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