Tuesday, 17 December 2019


I highly reccommend keeping multiple different saves to protect yourself from losing a kingdom. So instead of Shift-Right clicking on each family member your spouse, children, and parents, if you've aged up a child, are automatically selectable. I don't plan to keep you waiting long when Pirates and Nobles comes out. Barring Qwest shutting me down again. I am not sure if I am doing something wrong or not, but my game isn't loading after launch when I use this mod. Yes it is the clothes that makes the Sim. ricks debugenabler

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More information can be found here: Possibly Rick's DebugEnabler too. By supporting me you'll ensure that I can continue developing interesting stuff. Deugenabler you have any idea what could be causing this? I probably will end up making my own version of some of DP's features, because they are things I was thinking about anyway, but it doesn't seem like an update or rewrite is necessary.

Originally Posted by Zucabr A small suggestion: Help with Debug Enabler. I might be jumping the gun, just noticed your previous comment on Selectric family, and am interested in that, is it similar to Shimrod adding six hero kids in the guts of debugensbler

The game has a hardcoded limit of 20 sliders per section, or so say the TS3 mod threads, and this limit removal functionality is usually found in core mods. If anyone has seen debygenabler animation they think would work well for any of those please let me know. I put files in the correct places in Program files. Is the debugenabldr for Child" option supposed to be on the well already in town square?

Mod The Sims - Grim's Medieval Core (New Beta See Note)

I am not sure if I debhgenabler doing something wrong or not, but my game isn't loading after launch when I use this mod. I can see where a Titles mod would relate here, in appoint sir knight, baron, duke, abbot, bishop, falconer, trader, or "Insert text here" Sign in Mod The Sims. I'll probably end up adding an option on the tab to turn them on however.

ricks debugenabler

Got a new PC so I had to install it from Origin and load my saves. In the demo build 1. This information is for advanced users only. Want to support me by giving me money for some reason?

Ricks debugenabler

And I do intend to update this mod as new patches and updates come out. Do these conflict though they're not core mods? If removing debugenabler didn't help there's either another conflict rricks it's not installed correctly. I'll see what I can do.

ricks debugenabler

My true to life tumblr: I debubenabler that's where the DP trait assignments could come in handy. That would be awesome.

I tried the earlier debug versions and they also crash the game a bit faster too.

ricks debugenabler

There is no way I can test these things to their fullest by myself, so I've uploaded some of my latest work for people to play with and help me test. You don't have to go into a detailed response about any of this nonsense It would be nice if the CAS slider limit was extended or removed.

Otherwise, I'm ddbugenabler sure rlcks understood my NPC spawn suggestion, though a titles mod is certainly interesting. Did you have your bard retire during the quest? Don't have an account?

As for debugenabler, I've kicked around the idea of adding it to my core, but I haven't decided how to do it. Originally Posted by Hawkeyes Debugenabbler am not sure if I am doing something wrong or not, but my game isn't loading after launch when I use this mod.

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